7 Tips for Picking Your Signature Perfume Scent

7 Tips for Picking Your Signature Perfume Scent

With the global perfume market estimated at over £20 billion, there's no shortage of choice when it comes to picking a perfume scent. 

From fruity scents of a low concentration to strong floral smells, there are many different perfumes you could possibly choose from. In that sense, it can be hard to narrow it down.

If you need help picking your perfect perfume scent, check out these tips. By breaking it down into these steps, you'll find your signature perfume. 

1. Consider a Category

When looking for a new perfume, you should consider the category first of all. Deciding which kind of smells you like will cut out a massive number of perfumes, making the end choice all that much easier.

Whether you want a fresh smell, a floral scent, or something more woody, you should smell a different variety and decide exactly which appeals to you. You can then look at the perfumes in that category.

2. Consider Concentrations

Many people who are new to scented perfume don't realise that there are different concentrations. The three main types you'll see are:

  • Eau de Parfum (10-20%)
  • Eau de Toilette (5-15%)
  • Eau de Cologne (2-4%)

If you're not sure how these smells actually hold up in reality, you should familiarise yourself with each one first. By doing that, you can decide how strongly you want to smell.

Some people like the smell to be fairly obvious and others prefer it to be very subtle. 

Which one you pick will also determine how long the scent lasts. An Eau de Parfum, for example, will last all day long and you'll come home from a long day still smelling great. An Eau de Cologne, on the other hand, may only last for a couple of hours and may not be suitable for a long day or wild night out. 

3. Try It Out On Yourself

If you've smelled a signature perfume on someone else that you love, don't rush out and buy a bottle quite yet.

Perfume reacts differently with the chemistry of our bodies. Because of this, the way one perfume smells on someone else may not smell quite the same as it does on you.

If you've found a perfume you love on someone else, feel free to ask them what it is. Before you go out and buy a large bottle, spray a little on yourself and see how you like it at the end of the day.

You might be surprised to find out it doesn't smell the same, but you shouldn't worry if it doesn't smell as good. Something else may smell great on you, and not as good on someone else. 

4. Ask For Free Samples

Buying bottles of perfume can get expensive. Unlike lighter things like body spray, many perfumes are on the pricier side. The last thing you want to do is buy a bottle and then realise you don't like that perfume on yourself.

There are many ways to get free samples of perfumes.

The first is to go into a store and simply ask if you can spray perfume on yourself. Many stores will have bottles sitting out that you can try. Make sure that you are not wearing any other fragrances when you go to do this. It may take a few trips to find the perfume thats right for you, however it can be really fun and exciting trying sampling new fragrances.

If there are no bottles on display and there's one you want to try, you can ask. Many store representatives will be happy to let you try a perfume.

If all else fails, you can find free samples online. Some websites will offer free samples with other orders, and some people even sell samples on online stores. It costs a few pounds, but it's better than buying the whole bottle off the bat. 

5. Start With a Small Bottle

Even when you're sure you have a signature perfume you love, start with a small bottle. You can never tell if you'll grow tired of it.

Once you've gone through a small bottle and haven't gotten tired of wearing the perfume every day, you can upgrade to a larger one, this is usually better value. 

Even if you're completely sure that you love a fragrance, small bottles could still be the best thing for you. They can be perfect for building your collection of fragrances.

6. Get Others' Opinions

At the end of the day, the main opinion that matters when it comes to your scent is yours. However, with time, you'll grow used to the smell and won't really notice it on yourself — so you might want to check that the people around you love it too.

If you have a significant other, for example, you can ask their opinion on the smell. Do they like the notes? Is it too strong, or can they barely smell it?

You don't have to go by their word, but it's good to take it into account. 

7. Spray Skillfully 

Once you've chosen your scent, you should spray skillfully. If you have an Eau de Parfum, you don't want to overdo it, or the smell could end up far too strong!

Take note of where to spray it too. The wrists, neck, and on the inside of your elbow, for example, are recommended.

However, you can be more lliberal with your application of your fragrance if you are wearing an Eau de Cologne.

Choose the Perfect Perfume Scent This Way

If you take all of these things into account and take your time, you'll have the perfect perfume scent. Don't rush in and buy a large bottle of something you aren't sure you'll like.

Instead, find some free samples, ask for opinions, and make sure you like the scent on your own skin. 

For designer fragrances at good prices, check out our collection

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