The Perfume Shop: How to Discover What Scent Suits You

The Perfume Shop: How to Discover What Scent Suits You

Christmas is around the corner, and we're sure you'll agree that this year has been a particularly tough one. So, you more than deserve a gorgeous treat all for yourself.

How about finally finding the perfect perfume for you? What sounds like a cinch, is in fact a much more complicated task. 

Do you remember that one time when you were browsing at a perfume shop with your best friend and realised that the same fragrance smelt slightly different on both of you?

This is just one of the many reasons why identifying the best scents for your own skin type and personality can be pretty difficult.

If you're intrigued and would love to know how to find the right perfume for you this holiday season (and beyond), just keep reading. 


Why Is a Signature Scent So Important?

Let's start with the basics, shall we? The fact that finding your perfume match might be a bit more tricky than you envisaged shouldn't put you off your quest. Why? Because picking, and wearing, the fragrance that best suits you will bring you benefits that go way beyond the purely aesthetic ones.

You guessed it: we're talking about psychology. Smells, odours, and perfumes all activate a part of our brains that is responsible for storing memories. Think about it for a moment. If you close your eyes and try to recall a specific past event, perhaps of your childhood, chances are that you will associate it with a smell.

A study conducted by Brown University revealed exactly that: particular smells trigger the activation of the amygdala, which in turn generates intense emotions.

So, choosing a perfume that truly represents you, can have a very powerful effect on other people's memories of you. Also — and this is another really important one — it can boost your own feelings of self-confidence and happiness.


Start off With Something You Genuinely Like...

Right, now that you are more aware of the benefits of wearing the right scent for you, just follow our easy tips to find "the one".

This may sound a bit too simple, but you'll realise that it's true: a signature scent, first and foremost, must be one that you really do like. 

Don't worry too much about what your mum or your colleague say about a new fragrance that they've discovered and which they think you'll love. If you hate it, then there's absolutely no reason why you should force yourself to wear it.


... but Be Bold and Creative

Having said that, don't restrict yourself. The fact that you shouldn't buy a perfume just because it's all the rage now, doesn't mean that you can't be a bit more daring and adventurous when browsing for new scents.

Have you spent your last 20 years wearing sweet, subtle, and sober perfumes? Then maybe the next time you visit your local perfume shop, try on a slightly bolder one. 

The bottom line is: be creative, have fun, experiment and keep an open mind, whilst never losing sight of your personality and what you truly like. You might end up being very surprised by what you can find.


Your Personality Is Key...

Speaking of personality, you want to ensure that your fragrance reflects who you are as a person.

What is your temperament? What type of woman do you consider yourself to be? And also: what kind of message would you like to convey through your signature scent? How do you want people to notice and remember you, when you walk in a room?

There you go: a bit of psychology can go a very long way even for something as "trivial" as picking a perfume.


... but So Is Your Skin Type

When choosing your perfume match, you also need to consider two factors: how the fragrance smells on you, and how long the scent lasts.

Both of these aspects have a lot to do with your skin type. As we've mentioned earlier, the exact same perfume can smell different on you and on the next person. Similarly, it can also last two hours on you, and a whole day on another person.

So, whilst you might have your eyes (and nostrils) set on a gorgeous eau de parfum, you need to keep these in mind before bringing that bottle to the till. 


Remember to Factor in Your Lifestyle

Here's another crucial yet very neglected aspect to ponder when picking your perfect scent: your lifestyle. 

Are you an active kinda gal, effortlessly breezing from the office to brunch to a Pilates studio and back out for dinner? Or perhaps you have a calmer, more sedentary life, working from the comfort of your living room and only going out for leisure walks? Do you have kids and are always on the move, rushing around between house and childcare?

You'll want to think about all of this when looking for your perfume. Not only a mum of three will have a different lifestyle compared to a single woman who freelances from home and spends a lot of time sitting at her desk. They will also have very different needs and expectations when it comes to scents and fragrances.


Go Slow and Steady

You're finally at the perfume shop and can't wait to throw yourself into your perfume quest. Hold your horses: don't rush the visit. 

A common mistake is to try out too many scents at one time. Anything more than three, to be exact, might cause you to experience some sensory overload and prevent you from focusing on each scent.

Spray, sniff, and stay with a scent for a few minutes, before moving on to the next one. Make sure you visualise yourself wearing that fragrance and going about your daily life as well as participating in special events. 

If that perfume doesn't satisfy you, for whatever reason, then you're ready to try a different one. It's important, though, that you proceed slowly and gradually. Don't move from a very light, delicate scent to a heavy, intense one straight away, and then back to a softer, gentler one.

Seek out some balance and be very patient. You might not find your perfect match on this occasion, but you are one step closer to finding it next time.


Hair Spray

We're not talking about the musical, nor are we suggesting to replace a perfume with a hair product.

What we'd like you to do, the next time you visit a perfume shop, is to spray some perfume in your hair instead of the wrist or neck, like you are probably used to doing.

Why? Because hair carries perfumes particularly well, and it helps you to smell a scent in a much more complete, intense way. (Just don't tell your hairdresser: they might not be too impressed).


Familiarise Yourself With What You're Smelling

You've probably heard them all: woody, musky, fresh, summery, floral, spicy. These (and more) are some of the most popular perfume categories. Whilst you're familiar with their names, ask yourself whether you also genuinely know what to smell when trying on, for example, a "woody" fragrance.

Do a bit of research on each of these categories, and don't be ashamed to ask for help when you're visiting a perfume shop. The shopping assistant will be delighted to guide you through this fragrant universe and help you find "the one".


Be Patient!

Yes, we've referred to finding your signature scent as finding "the one" a few times in this article. That's just because picking the fragrance that best defines and suits you can take time and effort and might involve trying out a few that don't work.

And just like some people end up finding their prince charming online, you might come across your perfume match on an online shop. Even better, at cheaper, discounted prices. How amazing does that sound?

If the idea of buying perfumes online confuses you a little, then no worries. We have some great tips and tricks to help you make the best purchase even when you can't actually visit a physical shop.


Excited for Your Next Visit to the Perfume Shop?

Now that you've got the lowdown on how to find your perfect perfume match, you can plan your next visit to the perfume shop and look forward to finding "the one".

Even better, why not check out our incredible deals, and see if there's anything that tickles your fancy? We bet you that we'll have something that's just great for you.

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