The Causes of Body Odour: A Complete Guide

The Causes of Body Odour: A Complete Guide

If your nostrils have ever been accosted by body odour, you know how unpleasant this can be.

Our bodies naturally produce odours, especially without the right hygiene practices. Unless you're part of the lucky 2% of the population that does not produce any underarm smell, chances are your body can produce unpleasant odours.

In order to smell your best, you must understand where body odour comes from. There are many causes of body odour and luckily, many ways that you can prevent it.

Keep reading for your guide to body odour causes and tips to get rid of it.

Bromhidrosis and Bacteria

This is one of the medical causes of body odour. Bromhidrosis is a condition that causes a smell of sulfur or onions when skin bacteria breaks down your sweat.

There are two different types of bromhidrosis.

Apocrine bromhidrosis causes odour under the arms and around the genitals. This is the most common of the two. Eccrine bromhidrosis causes odour in the hands, feet, torso and head.

Both have several different causes including genetics and puberty.

Your Weight

You might be surprised to know that your weight can have an effect on body odour. Someone who is overweight has more creases and skin folds around their body. These hold more sweat and bacteria which can cause body odour.

The excessive folds are a breeding ground for body odour causing bacteria.

Eating Spicy Foods

This is one of the most common body odour causes. If you've ever eaten a meal with an excess of any strong ingredient, like garlic, you might have the sense that you smell it coming out of your pores. This is especially true with spicy or pungent foods.

The scent of the food enters your eccrine glands and comes through in your sweat. This can create an unpleasant mix of natural body odour with a smell of a certain food.

Synthetic Clothing

There are certain types of fabrics that do not allow your skin to breathe. They trap in moisture that remains on the surface of the skin and begins to develop bacteria.

Fabrics including rayon, polyester, and nylon are all not breathable and can add to body odour. Be sure to opt for alternative fabrics that allow your skin to breathe, like cotton or linen.

High Levels of Stress

When you are experiencing stress, the apocrine glands begin to work harder. If you've ever been nervous about a speech or felt sweaty before a roller coaster, this is your apocrine gland going into overdrive.

These are the glands that your body produces which cause your sweat to smell.

Family History

Some people have a genetic predisposition to produce more body odour. Like many conditions, genetics play a role in how likely you will be to have body odour.

Excessive Sweating

This is also known as hyperhidrosis. It causes you to produce more sweat than the average person. You can carry this condition naturally or it can be caused by other factors.

Some of these factors include menopause or thyroid issues.

How to Get Rid of Body Odour

There are a few effective ways to help reduce body odour. Getting rid of body odour can help you feel more confident and get you back to the things that matter.

Daily Showers

Showing at least once a day can help you get rid of body odour and maintain a fresh smell. You want to be sure to use antibacterial soap that helps to get rid of bacteria on your skin.

When you shower, be thorough and get into the creases and folds of your body. Wash under your arms, around your groin area, and between skin crevasses. This is especially important if you live in a hot climate or you exercise often.

Try to shower right after you've been sweating excessively.

Wear Breathable Fabrics

Wearing the right fabrics can help improve your body odour. As previously mentioned, there are certain fabrics that don't allow your skin to breathe and cause excess odour.

When fabric is made of natural fibres, it allows your skin to breathe instead of trapping in moisture.

This is especially true if you are exercising. Invest in moisture-wicking fabrics that allow sweat to evaporate.

Wearing Perfume

One of the best ways that you can help get rid of body odour is by wearing a great smelling perfume.

Perfume mixes with your natural scent to create a fragrance that is unique to you. Trying a variety of different smells is important to see what works for you. This is also a great option to keep with you on the go if you're sweating a lot or you feel that you are giving off body odour.

Learn more about how to wear perfume and how to choose the perfect scent.

Change Your Diet

There are certain foods that you can eliminate from your diet to help reduce your body odour. Here are some of the common foods that can lead to body odour:

  • Garlic and onions
  • Different types of curry
  • Broccoli and peppers
  • Brussel sprouts

These are all foods that create a pungent sweat. Reducing your consumption of these foods can help improve your natural smell.

Know the Causes of Body Odour and How to Get Rid of It

Struggling with body odour can be embarrassing. However, understanding the causes of body odour can help you take the right steps to eliminate it. Bacteria, certain fabrics, spicy foods, excess body weight, genetics, and excessive sweating can all lead to body odour.

Explore our website for a selection of beautiful fragrances that can help you smell your very best!

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